Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

Future Perfect Tense

Pola Future Perfect Tense adalah sebagai berikut:
Subject + will + have +  verb3 + object + modifier
  1. Farmers in Jati Bali will have grown rice crops by the end of next month. (Petani-petani di Jati Bali akan telah bercocok tanam padi sebelum akhir bulan depan).
  2. Some students will have conducted research on vegetative plant propagations for one year when the next semester starts next month. (Beberapa siswa akan telah melakukan penelitian pada perbanyakan tanaman vegetatif selama 1 tahun ketika semester berikutnya dimulai bulan depan).
  3. Transpiration will have started to increase before we measure it at 9 a.m. tomorrow. (Transpirasi akan telah mulai meningkat sebelum kita mengukurnya jam 9 pagi besok).

Penggunaan Future Perfect Tense

Perhatikan pola dan ketiga contoh di atas! Apakah beda antara future perfect tense dengan present perfect tense? Perbedaannya tidak banyak, bukan? Konsep penggunaannya hampir sama dengan present perfect tense. Cuma, batas akhir dari kejadian/aktivitas untuk tensis ini adalah future time, sedangkan batas akhir untuk present perfect tense adalah now.
Penggunaan future perfect tense, antara lain:
1. Untuk menyatakan prediksi bahwa kejadian/aktivitas akan sudah terjadi/sudah selesai dilakukan sebelum atau hingga batas waktu tertentu di masa mendatang.
Note: Jika menggunakan time clause, nyatakan dalam simple present tense. Misalnya: when the first half is over (pada contoh 2), by the time we get to the airport (pada contoh 3), etc.
  1. By 3 o’clock this afternoon, I will have finished reading this book. (Sebelum jam 3 sore ini, saya akan sudah selesai membaca buku ini).
  2. I think Barcelona will have scored three goals when the first half is over. (Saya kira Barcelona akan telah cetak 3 goal ketika babak pertama berakhir).
  3. This traffic is terrible. We’re going to be late. By the time we get to the air port, dad’s plane will have already arrived.
  4. My dad is in the USA now but he will have been home when my mom gives birth next month. (Papa di USA sekarang tetapi dia akan sudah  berada di rumah sebelum mama melahirkan bulan depan).
  5. Joni will arrive home around midnight. By the time he gets home, I will have already fallen asleep.
2Untuk menyatakan prediksi bahwa kegiatan/aktivitas akan sudah terjadi/ sudah selesai dilakukan sebelum kejadian/aktivitas yang lain di masa mendatang. Note: Dalam kategori ini, kedua aktivitas dilakukan oleh subject yang sama.
  1. John will have traveled around the world before he gets married next year.
  2. She will have read the entire book before she goes to campus this afternoon.
  3. I will have eaten before I go to play badminton tonight.
  4. He will have bought a gift before he goes to his girlfriend’s birthday party tonight.
  5. He had already got married 5 times before he got married again last week. And, he is still 25 years old. If he keeps getting married, he will have had more than 50 wives before he dies.
3. Untuk menyatakan bahwa kejadian/aktivitas akan terus terjadi/dilakukan sampai batas waktu tertentu di masa mendatang.
  1. I arrived at school at 7 a.m. When my dad picks me up at 1 p.m., I will have been at school for 6 hours. (Pada saat papa menjemput satu jam 1 sore, saya akan sudah berada di sekolah selama 6 jam).
  2. It’s May 20 now. I have lived in this house for nine years or so.  On August 17, I will have lived in this house for 10 years sharp. (Saya sudah tinggal di rumah ini selama 9 tahun lebih. Tanggal 17 Agustus, saya akan sudah tinggal di rumah ini tepat selama 10 tahun)
  3. It’s 9 p.m. I am going to bed now and get up at 5 a.m. When I get up, I will have slept for 8 hours.
  4. When Mr. Dodi retires next month, he will have worked for this  company for forty-five years. (Pada saat Pak Dodi pensiun bulan depan, dia akan sudah bekerja pada perusahaan ini selama 45 tahun).
  5. It’s 7 p.m now. She has been waiting for her boyfriend since an hour ago. He just called her that he will arrive at 8 p.m. When he arrives, she will  have waited for 2 hours.

Negative Form

Bentuk negatif kalimat Future Perfect Tense dibuat dengan menambahkan not setelah auxilary will, seperti terlihat pada pola berikut:
Subject + will + not + have + verb3 + object + modifier
  1. Because the book is very thick, I will not have finished reading this book by 3 o’clock this afternoon. (Karena bukunya sangat tebal, saya akan belum selesai membaca buku ini sebelum jam 3 sore ini).
  2. I think Barcelona will not have scored three goals when the first haft is over. Its opponent is a good team too. (Saya kira Barcelona akan belum cetak 3 goal ketika babak pertama berakhir. Lawannya tangguh juga).
  3. We still have a lot of time. By the time we get to the air port, dad’s plane will not have arrived yet. (Kita masih punya banyak waktu. Ketika kita tiba di airport, pesawat (yang ditumpangi) papa akan belum tiba).
  4. Due to an immigration documentation problem, my dad will not have been home when my mom gives birth next month. (Karena ada masalah dokumen keimigrasian, papa saya akan belum di rumah ketika mama melahirkan).
  5. When Joni arrives home around midnight, I will not have fallen asleep yet.
  6. John will not have traveled around the world yet when he gets married next year.  Soalnya, dia belum sempat kunjungi South Africaand south America.
  7. Because it’s not enough time, she will not have read the entire book yet before she goes to campus this afternoon.
  8. I will not have eaten yet when I go to play badminton tonight.
  9. He will not have bought a gift when he goes to his girlfriend’s birthday party tonight.
  10. Although he has already got married 6 times and still young, he will not have had more than 50 wives yet before he dies.
  11. When my dad picks me up at 1 p.m., I will not have been at school for 10 hours yet.
  12. I have lived in this house for nine years or so.  In the next July, I will not have lived in this house for 10 years yet. (Belum cukup 10 tahun Juli depan.
  13. It’s 9 p.m. I am going to bed now and get up at 5 a.m. When I get up, I will not have slept for 10 hours yet.
  14. When Mr. Dodi retires next month, he will not have worked for this company for fifty years yet.
  15. It’s 7 p.m. now. She has been waiting for her boyfriend since an hour ago. He just called her that he will arrive at 8 p.m. When he arrives, she will not have waited for 3 hours yet.

Yes/No Questions

Yes/No Questions untuk Future Perfect Tense adalah sebagai berikut:
Will + subject + have + verb3+ object + modifier?
  1. Will you have finished reading this book by 3 o’clock this afternoon? (Apakah kamu akan sudah selesai baca buku ini sebelum jam 3 sore ini?).
  2. Will Barcelona have scored three goals when the first haft is over?
  3. Will dad’s plane have arrived yet by the time we get to the air port?
  4. Due to an immigration documentation problem, will your dad have been home when your mom gives birth next month?
  5. When Joni arrives home around midnight, will you have fallen asleep yet?
  6. Will John have traveled around the world yet when he gets married next year?
  7. Because it’s not enough time, will she have read the entire book yet before she goes to campus this afternoon?
  8. Will you have eaten yet before you go to play badminton tonight?
  9. Will he have bought a gift before he goes to his girlfriend’s birthday party tonight?
  10. Will he have had more than 50 wives before he dies?
  11. When your dad picks you up at 1 p.m., will you have been at school for 10 hours?
  12. Will you have lived in this house for 10 years yet next July?
  13. When I get up, will I have slept for 10 hours yet?
  14. When Mr. Dodi retires next month, will he have worked for this company for fifty years yet?
  15. Will she have waited for 3 hours yet when he arrives?
Source : http://swarabhaskara.com/tenses/future-perfect-tense/

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