Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Formula untuk Past Perfect Continuous Tense adalah sebagai berikut:
Subject + had + been + (verb1+ing) + object + modifier
  1. Farmers in Jati Bali had been growing rice crops for more than 20 years before I came to this village in 1985. (Petani-petani di Jati Bali telah bercocok tanam padi selama lebih dari 20 tahun sebelum saya datang ke desa ini tahun 1985).
  2. Some students had been conducting research on vegetative plant propagations for a year before they graduated. (Beberapa siswa telah melakukan penelitian pada perbanyakan tanaman vegetatif selama setahun sebelum mereka tamat).
  3. Transpiration had been starting to increase for 2 hours when we started to measure it. (Transpirasi telah mulai meningkat selama 2 jam ketika kami mulai mengukurnya).

Penggunaan Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Jika present perfect continuous tense sama dengan penggunaan present perfect tense yang ketiga, maka past perfect continuous tense sama dengan penggunaan past perfect tense yang ketiga, yaitu untuk menyatakan kejadian/aktivitas yang terus berlangsung mulai dari waktu tertentu di masa lampau sampai waktu tertentu di masa lampau.
Pada Past Perfect Tense diberikan contoh kalimat sebagai berikut:
  1. I had lived in that house for nine years before I moved to where I live now.
  2. We had studied English just for a month before we decided to take a TOEFL test.
  3. He had married her for 19 years when they finally had a baby last month.
  4. Mr. Johnson had worked for twenty-nine years before he got fired last week.
  5. She had waited for her boyfriend for an hour when he called that he couldn’t go out last night.
Dalam Past Perfect Continuous Tense, kelima contoh kalimat di atas berubah menjadi:
  1. I had been living in that house for nine years before I moved to where I live now. (Saya telah tinggal di rumah itu selama 9 tahun sebelum saya pindah ke rumah yang saya tinggali sekarang)
  2. We had been studying English just for a month before we decided to take a TOEFL test. (Kita telah belajar bahasa Inggris hanya selama 1 bulan sebelum kita memutuskan untuk ikut test TOEFL).
  3. He had been marrying her for 19 years when they finally had a baby last month. (Dia telah mengawininya selama 19 tahun ketika mereka akhirnya punya anak bulan lalu).
  4. Mr. Johnson had been working for twenty-nine years before he got fired last week. (Pak Johnson telah bekerja selama 29 tahun sebelum dia dipecat minggu lalu).
  5. She had been waiting for her boyfriend for an hour when he called that he couldn’t go out last night. (Dia telah menunggu pacarnya selama satu jam ketika dia nelpon bahwa dia tidak dapat pergi tadi malam).

Negative Form

Bentuk negatif Past Perfect Continuous Tense mengikuti pola sebagai berikut:
Subject + had + not + been + (verb1+ing) + object + modifier
  1. I had not been living in that house for nine years before I moved to where I live now. (Saya belum tinggal di rumah itu selama 9 tahun sebelum saya pindah ke rumah yang saya tinggali sekarang).
  2. We had not been studying English just for a month before we decided to take a TOEFL test. (Kita belum belajar bahasa Inggris hanya selama 1 bulan sebelum kita memutuskan untuk ikut test TOEFL).
  3. He had not been marrying her for nineteen years when they finally had a baby last month. (Dia belum mengawininya selama 19 tahun ketika mereka akhirnya punya anak bulan lalu).
  4. Mr. Johnson had not been working for twenty-nine years before he got fired last week. (Pak Johnson belum bekerja selama 29 tahun sebelum dia dipecat minggu lalu).
  5. She had not been waiting for her boyfriend for an hour when he called that he couldn’t go out last night. (Dia belum menunggu pacarnya selama satu jam ketika dia nelpon bahwa dia tidak dapat pergi tadi malam).

Yes/No Questions

Yes/No Questions untuk Past Perfect Continuous Tense adalah sebagai berikut:
Had + subject + been + (verb1+ing) + object + modifier
  1. Had I been living in that house for nine years before I moved to where I live now?
  2. Had we been studying English just for a month before we decided to take a TOEFL test?
  3. Had he been marrying her for 19 years when they finally had a baby last month?
  4. Had Mr. Johnson been working for twenty-nine years before he got fired last week?
  5. Had she been waiting for her boyfriend for an hour when he called that he couldn’t go out last night?
Note: Penggunaan already, dan yet pada tensis ini sama dengan pada present perfect tense.

Modifier of time

Modifier of time (keterangan waktu) untuk past perfect continuous tense antara lain:
  • for + phrase + before+ simple past tense. Misalnya: for three hours before he came, for two years before they got married, for six and a half years before I went home, dst.
  • for + phrase + when + simple past tense. Misalnya: for three hours when he came, for two years when they got married, for six and a half years when I went home, dst.
Source : http://swarabhaskara.com/tenses/past-perfect-continuous-tense/

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